May news, sign the board petition

Sign the Board Petition—no involuntary layoffs

During our all-unit meeting on April 25 in the Classroom, two themes emerged from our group discussion. The first was, that as a collective, we oppose involuntary layoffs. The second is that those in attendance have little trust in management’s representation of the financial picture, and do not trust that management’s spending priorities are in the best interests of the Academy’s programs and the people carrying them out.

At the meeting, we discussed strategies to prioritize the people and programs that make the Academy a vital public institution.

Our first action is to petition the Academy’s Board of Trustees with a demand for no involuntary layoffs.

Sign here, then share widely with your co-workers and friends of the Academy.

Timing is of the essence to get signatures, as management will be bringing their next financial proposal to the upcoming board meeting on May 13th.

Bargaining updates

On April 24, we bargained with management—read more details here.

Finances presentation

  • Management delivered a presentation on Academy finances.

  • In response to questions from our team, management said that they did not want to consider changing inflated executive pay or what many of us consider wasteful administrative costs—such as all of the new PACT positions.

  • Management stated they have a plan to eliminate specific positions and/or programs at the Academy as part of a long-term business strategy or restructuring plan. When asked for details of this plan, they said they are not willing to share any details with our team.

Voluntary severance proposal

  • Before attempting (we have a union!) to execute its targeted restructuring plan, management proposes non-targeted layoffs via the same voluntary severance (aka “voluntary layoff”) package  (see below) already offered to non-unit-represented employees.

  • Management also told us they don’t expect voluntary severances to result in any predictable amount of net savings… there could even be a net cost. In other words—they don’t expect the voluntary program to prevent involuntary layoffs.

Appendix A negotiations
Our Bargaining Team wants to make sure our colleagues in the accounting department are part of our union.

On April 30, our Bargaining Team caucused—read more details here.

Financial assessment

  • An SEIU 1021 staff researcher presented findings on the Academy’s financial picture (from 990s and audited financial statements), compared with similar institutions.

  • The takeaway: there are in fact real financial challenges for the Academy—and these should not have taken anyone by surprise. Challenges include market volatility impacting the Academy’s investment portfolio, and the fact that earned revenue has not yet returned to pre-pandemic levels.

  • The presentation also confirmed that executive pay has increased significantly over the last 6 years despite these continued financial challenges. Executive pay at the Academy is also inflated in comparison to similar Bay Area institutions. For example, Executive Directors at both Monterey Bay Aquarium and the Exploratorium each receive around $400K in total compensation, compared to Scott Sampson’s total compensation of nearly $900K in FY23.

Response to voluntary severance proposal

  • Because the voluntary severance package may be an attractive option for some staff who are looking to leave the Academy, the Bargaining Team will not oppose it being offered to staff in our Bargaining Unit.

  • We sent management a list of clarifying questions and are awaiting a response.

Contract article assignments
Bargaining Team assignments to most of our specific contract articles are now reflected on the article tracker. Want to voice an opinion about an article, or discuss a related issue? Please reach out to the folks listed!


Voluntary severance package information

Here is what management proposes to offer:

  • 4 weeks of pay for every year of service, capped at 1 year of severance pay maximum

  • A lump sum of cash: $5K if less than 5 years service, $10K if 5+ years

  • Cash to cover the cost of COBRA Continuation of Health Coverage for 6 months

  • Those taking this package may also be eligible for unemployment

  • All parts of this package would be paid as one lump sum, preferable before the end of the fiscal year (June 30, 2024)

The Bargaining Team has sent management clarifying questions about details of this proposed package and the voluntary severance process and are awaiting a response.

Other actions you can take

  • Sign the petition: No involuntary layoffs!

  • Make our Union visible. Wear your CalAcademy Workers United button at work every day until we have a contract.

  • Wear your CalAcademy Workers United T-shirt every Tuesday until we have a contract.

  • Make your Academy profile picture the CAWU emblem until we have a contract. Get it here.

  • Sign up for CAWU membership if you haven’t yet!

  • Encourage your colleagues to sign up for membership, and discuss why it matters.

CAT can use your help!
We can always use more folks to help out on the Contract Action Team, whether you’re up for a small but important research project or an ongoing time commitment. Get in touch at if you’d like to help:

  • Welcome all of our colleagues to our union

  • Facilitate member-to-member communication

  • Facilitate member participation in the bargaining process

  • Research information to support bargaining


15 May (Wednesday) 12:00–1:00pm
CAT general meeting

L2-E large. Making connections, bargaining support, and more.

15 May (Wednesday) 12:00–1:00pm
Bargaining Team office hours

B1 Africa break room. Drop-in and connect with a bargaining team member and learn more about the ongoing contract negotiations! Share what's important to you and your department.

23 May (Thursday) 12:00–1:45pm
All-Unit Lunch Meeting

In the Classroom this month (near the Naturalist Center). Our monthly opportunity for in-person bargaining and organizing updates and discussion. Lunch provided.

26 May (Sunday) 2:00–3:00pm
Zoom Gathering

Can’t meet in person? Attend your monthly union meeting in cyberspace! Get the latest news about bargaining and have your questions answered by members of your bargaining team. Share your thoughts. Join here:
Meeting ID: 681 835 0315
Passcode: 1021

Ongoing events
For more event information, meeting times, and locations, check (or subscribe to) the CalAcademy Workers United Google Calendar.


Office hours
Hosted by your bargaining unit representative and CAT members Wednesday 15 and Wednesday 29 May.  Locations can change. Check the Calendar. If you don’t see anything, reach out and inquire!

Bargaining Team
Or strike up a conversation with a member of the team!
Attend Bargaining Team office hours: find them on our calendar

Contract Action Team
Members (like you!) volunteering to facilitate communication amongst their colleagues on contract bargaining. CAT plans and organizes events and actions throughout the negotiation process to build the power of our union. The Contract Action Team welcomes volunteers. Just show up at a meeting… ask around…or email

SEIU 1021 Field Representative Claude Joseph
Hours, or working conditions changed without your agreement, or in need of representation for a disciplinary action? Our interim staff field representative is Claude Joseph,

Mac Stevenson has left SEIU 1021! We’ll miss you Mac! 🐝


Board Meeting 5/22: Staff Testimonials


Bargaining update, April 16th